A More Traditional Xanga-like Update
Now, those of you that know me (which probably makes up about half of my readership -- which, for those of you that are gullable enough to believe the "intricate web of mysteriousness" that I am spinning in the online world, does not mean a ship of readers, rather it means the throngs who flock to my blog every time I update) know that I hate the kind of update that is just describing what is going on in my life. However, as I still don't have the pictures I need to do my summer update, I am going to give in and bore you with tales of my life.
However, I think you all do know that I would never strictly settle for such ridiculous boredom as I have just described. Nay, I will still shake the world of blogging with this entry as do with every other. Don't you believe I was going to settle. Don't lose faith in my earthquakelike blog updates.

I spent my summer in Chicago, IL as a leader for Project Impact 2005. That was crazy hard and crazy fun. I learned so much. I also met some amazing people and developed some life-changing friendships. By the way, I'd like to insert a shameless shoutout to far and away the coolest girl I could have ever gotten to know this summer. Yep, I said it. And online at that.

I leave you with this:
Go to church.
ryan, compliments and flattery will get you everywhere. well, at least a free meal every once and a while. :)
did you photshop that project impact thing? it doesn't look like it. actually like it. It needs to be our logo. project needs a logo.
haha your room mates cant be as cool as me. just kidding. you should take whoever this girl is (i think its a problem i dont know her name!) on an early morning breakfast picnic(the only time its cool) with a checkered blanket and you should sit next to pidgens and feed them. just a random idea. love ya bro haha
he he! ;)
Awesome! Totally worth the time.
Sounds like good advice. I think I shall.
I like the shameless shoutout as well. Shoutouts should be shameless.
"What happened to my freakin' car?!?" Glad to see another faithful Aqua Teen viewer. It's a quality show. Oh, and MXC is the greatest thing on Spike TV.
I like your moves
So is that stork still in Rita's yard? How long has that thing been up?
What about Rita?
Holly is obviously answering a question posed by another blogger as to the identity of the girl you gave a shout out to.
That's my sister.
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