Coverings to the Windows of the Soul
I just thought I'd use a cheesy title.
Anyways, I'm working painting a giant piece of art encompassing 4 large canvases (really it's a kind of foam board, but a canvas sounds more professional). This painting will cover the windows in the living room.
I have a few different ideas of things I'd like to do. This is a rough draft of one.

Although this idea has a lot of meaning to me, and I would really like to do something to that effect (keeping in mind that the scan is a very very basic rough draft), I am wondering if it is too depressing to do. Especially covering such a large space. What do you think?
Ok, Rita thinks it's too depressing with the colors, and I agree. I'll just make a small one. I think for the windows I'll either do 4 shapes of complimentary colors (Andy Warhol style) or a bunch of random lines and such.
You updated! Yep I think Rita is right. A little depressing. In need of some bright colors.
It needs color, black and white is depressing...but if you had a lot of colors like a sunset/sunrise kind of thing going it would be amazing... this pic...or starry night...that's random, sorry, I want to paint now! geez...
I think its beautiful. would you paint me a small one too for xmas?
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