Make Music, Not War

I would start a revolution; people would no longer call their guitar their "axe." They would say "Hey, let's go see Ryan's show tonight -- that guy can really wail on his gun!"
I'm going to go call that guy right now for a price list. I want one made out of an AK-47. I think that would match my gangsta style of music.
officially scared, thanks
i have questions...maybe just comments like "what in the world?" "how did you find this?" "who are you?"..nope those are questions!
You guys do realize that that's a guitar made out of a gun, right?
Do you know how to make it so that people can't post anonymously on a blog? I asked junk he said he didn't know. Thanks.
Yeah I have no idea.
I got some help. Thanks.
I don't know what everyone is freakin out about.
I wish I had a guitar like that.
talk about some killer music!!
(yeah, that was lame, I know)
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