Friday, August 26, 2005

I Made a Little Treat for You in Paint

Come on now, the poor little guy's lonely!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A More Traditional Xanga-like Update

Now, those of you that know me (which probably makes up about half of my readership -- which, for those of you that are gullable enough to believe the "intricate web of mysteriousness" that I am spinning in the online world, does not mean a ship of readers, rather it means the throngs who flock to my blog every time I update) know that I hate the kind of update that is just describing what is going on in my life. However, as I still don't have the pictures I need to do my summer update, I am going to give in and bore you with tales of my life.

However, I think you all do know that I would never strictly settle for such ridiculous boredom as I have just described. Nay, I will still shake the world of blogging with this entry as do with every other. Don't you believe I was going to settle. Don't lose faith in my earthquakelike blog updates.

I spent my summer in Chicago, IL as a leader for Project Impact 2005. That was crazy hard and crazy fun. I learned so much. I also met some amazing people and developed some life-changing friendships. By the way, I'd like to insert a shameless shoutout to far and away the coolest girl I could have ever gotten to know this summer. Yep, I said it. And online at that.

Since I've been home from Chicago, I've just been working on my new home, where I live with some pretty cool guys and lots of pretty electronic things, like big screens and surround sound systems and fingerprint readers. I've also taken a class/slept in a cold room in the Physical Sciences Center. In my spare time, I've been trying to prepare for ministry in the fall, helping out a little at the BSU, trying to plan some fun things to do with that one special girl I just mentioned, done an MT retreat or two, eaten crackers, sandwiches and oatmeal for every meal not provided my sweetheart of a neighbor, Holly, watching lots of Aqua Teen and MXC, and chillin' wit my homies. Amen.

I leave you with this:

Go to church.

Friday, August 12, 2005

New Beginnings

Here's to new beginnings which lead to new tomorrows.

It seems to have become tradition to begin anew in the blogging kingdom at the end of every summer. The end of summer draws near, and so -- I must start again!